
At last!

  When it comes to our lessons and topic, I learned all about creating a Site Map. I enjoyed discovering how it works and its importance or function when creating it. Since it is the final quarter, I had gained lessons not only about our topics in ICT subject but also values and wisdom during our class sessions. I learned of becoming systematic and resourceful. It helped me improve my ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties when making activities and projects. This subject also enhances my creativity when it comes to computer technology and written works.   For the final quarter, I would say that compared to the previous quarters, I had encountered less difficulties during this quarter. At first, I had a difficult time understanding the terms and definitions about MS FrontPage and making a sitemap. I was confused about the steps and procedure in opening my file but when I got used to it, making my sitemap was easy to do and control.  Because of the simple com

Dreaming for a Better Future

"The Future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of thier dreams." Having a dream means having a great future. Dreams help a person understand himself or herself in many ways. It helps understand a person in what he/she wants in life. Her wants, goals and the things a person love in many aspects in life. Dreaming is essential for a human being. Without dreams, you will lose interest in life and hate to live life.     We dream for the future. We imagine and plan off things that we want to become or do in the future. Denzel Washington once said, "Dream big — but remember dreams without goals are just dreams, and they ultimately fuel disappointment. Everyone has a dream in their own lives. Having a dream means thinking about what you want to happen in the future which includes your aspirations and desire. But, if you not put goals in your dream, it will just stay as a dream. Goals means really dedicating your time, effort, sweat, and actions towards achieving that dre

Risk it or not?

C. Joybell once said, “We can’t be afraid of change. You may feel very secure in the pond that you are in, but if you never venture out of it, you will never know that there is such a thing as an ocean, a sea.” Change can be hard to achieve due to that it’s difficult to leave the routine you’ve become familiar with. Because of this thought, a person is afraid of change or to able oneself for his/her own improvement.   Growing always leads to change. By embracing change and exploring things outside your comfort zone means discovering what you really love and what you stand out in. For instance, the life cycle of a butterfly. In this process, the form of the insect change as time passes by. It starts off as a caterpillar then eventually transforms into a colorful butterfly. In this example, it shows how change affects everything. If you learn to risk it, you may end up with a result that you might like.   Always remember, change always begins on the inside. It is only yourself who wi

The Value of Motherhood Seen Through Our Eyes

  We celebrate Mother’s day to give respect and honor to our mothers. This celebration recognizes the efforts of maternal relationships, the contributions of mothers, and the significance of motherhood in our society. All different kinds of mother; single moms, fur mom , step-mom, and a dad or a sibling who is treated as the mother in the family. Cherish and appreciate all the efforts they had given just to have a great life. It is a day that serves to remind individuals worldwide of the value and significance of mothers in their lives and is commemorated as a day that recognizes all mothers throughout the globe.        May 14th 2023. A day that I will always remember. It has been a wonderful day since I had celebrated Mother’s Day with my family. We went to Ilocos Norte to celebrate Mother’s day and also bond with each other. We ate lunch and also went shopping. It was fantastic because I got to spend the entire day with my love ones and create memories with them. Mother. My best

Nation's heroes!

              Isabelo Delos Reyes also known as the Philippine Labor movement was a Labor activist in the 19th and 20th centuries. He organized the Union Obrera Democratica Filipina of which he became the first president. He initiated the celebration of "Labor Day" on May 1, 1902. On said occasion, he published the first labor newspaper, La Redencion de Obrero. He fought for our country to aim the justice and rights for all Filipinos. With the loyalty of Isabelo de los Reyes to the patriotic principles he fought for, he can also be judged a hero who should be honored.     Araw ng mga Manggagawa. Every year, Filipinos nationwide celebrate Labor Day to honor their devotion to hard work. It is a day to pay tribute and commemorate the hardships of workers.  Their complaints, which include the minimum wage, cruel working conditions, and other problems that impair employee rights, are brought to light by these activities. On this day, every diligent Filipino is honored, regardless

Attestation towards my Understanding and Comprehension

              In this 3rd Quarter Grading,  my knowledge about HTML deepened. I further learned about HTML Frames and HTML list. We also learned how to conduct a Community-Based Research. I learned how to collaborate with my other classmates and really emphasize Teamwork. Because of the conduction of our CBR, I have discovered more deeply against different municipality's culture, economics, environment, History, Health and well-being, and its Language and Literature.   One of the problems that I have encountered is firstly, when I took our examination. I struggled to determine what category the Community-Based Research title belongs to. Second, when I made my exercises on our HTML activity, I had a hard time coding the given pursuit.  Thankfully, I was able to overcome all of the issues and difficulties I ran across during our ICT third quarter. When I had problems in doing our HTML exercises and the conduction of our CBR, I try to remain calm and tell myself that everything will b


  Following the Epiphany Season in the Christian calendar comes Lent. It is a day set aside by us each year to reflect on the love of God that was manifested in Christ Jesus' death on the cross and in His victory over sin, death, and the devil via His death and resurrection, which grants you Everlasting Life.     During this year's Lenten season, my cousins and relatives went here to Ilocos for a week. We all  commemorate during Holy Week. During Good Friday, we went to visit churches also called as Visita Iglesia. It was also an opportunity to bond with my family, friends, and cousins. On Easter Sunday, we went on a trip to the beach to celebrate that Christ had risen. On that short vacation I would say I enjoyed it because I had time to bond with my family especially friends and cousin after a long period of time not being each other.  Lent is the Christian season of spiritual preparation before Easter. In Western churches, it begins on Ash Wednesday. During Lent, many Christ