Knowledge I gained during the first quarter of our ICT class


a.   What are the learning/discoveries that I have gained?

I have discovered all about the internet access; including it's history and it's types. Because of our discussions, I gained knowledge about the internet most especially the history, how does it work, and making a blog! Blogging is one of my favorite topic this quarter because we can share our thoughts and ideas to a certain topic. It makes us express ourselves to the internet as well us it's fun and enjoyable. Throughout the first quarter, I've been loving all of our lessons and can useful for future purposes.. 

b.   What are the problems/challenges that I have encountered?

 One of the problems that I have encountered is when we make an activity in our desktops, I find it hard connecting to the server which makes me behind in doing our activity. sometimes, I become stressed during our time for some reason. Maybe because when we do an activity or a quiz I get anxious and stressed.

c.    How did I address these challenges?

Despite all of the problems and challenges I faced during our ICT first quarter, I managed to overcome those challenges. When my desktop can not connect to the server, I simply move to a vacant desktop and make my activity there. Next, when I get anxious or stressed out during our class because of an activity or a quiz, I keep myself calm and remind myself that everything is going to be okay and what ever the outcome is, the most important this is I did my best and I learned something about our lessons. 

d.   Moving on, I will….

Moving on, I will always do my best in everything we will do. Try my very best in accomplishing the tasks provided to us and not forgetting the skill and apprehension I gained during our first quarter. I hope in the next quarter, I will be more interested in our topics and enjoy them. 


Randompopsycle. Surfing The Internet Illustration. 2022. California, USA. Retrieved on November 2, 2022.  


  1. Nice work Euri! Let's keep up the good work, In the end everything will be worth it


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